It’s Slushie Season!

With the weather heating up and the unofficial beginning of Summer last weekend, we are all about the Slushies now! If you’ve been hanging with us in years past, you know that we kick off slushie season on Memorial Day weekend and continue through the summer. You can stop by and grab one from us or make them at home. (Yes, you can do this, it’s easy!)

Yummy Summer goodness!

Our favorite flavors to “slushify” are Honeyed Peach, Honeyed Rita (margarita flavor), and Honeyed ‘Jitos (mojito flavor – lime and spearmint). We often get asked about using other flavors, but we’ve found that the sweeter mead flavors work better.

Fun Science Fact - Did you know that a frozen beverage numbs your taste buds a little making whatever you are drinking taste less sweet? It’s true!

So, grab yourself some mead, the “recipe”, and a few zip-top freezer bags and go to town. After all, that’s what Summer is for!